
Our Eventbrite page for the 42nd annual House Tour is live!!

Hey Bed-Stuy and everyone!!

It is the first day of September, and our Summer is starting to wind down. I am hoping as it goes, it takes Covid-19 with it! Whew!

But, this also means the count down to the 42nd House Tour of the Brownstoners of Bedford-Stuyvesant has begun!

Please click on the link or paste it into your browser to go to our Eventbrite page to receive more information and purchase your exclusive tickets:

This is a fundraiser to help send our young scholars to college. So, please support by sharing this link with family members and friends in Bed-Stuy and all over the world! 

Thanks, and stay safe!


House Tour Event Director

September 1st, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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